Date of Thesis
Spring 2024
Campus sexual assault (CSA) is an ongoing and rising crisis that affects many young adults in the United States. Although CSA rates have continued to rise, it is still an institutionally under-examined issue. One major factor that has aimed to reduce CSA within the campus environment is the increase in Title IX and mandatory reporting (MR) policies and regulations. Thanks to laws, like Title IX, the general population has become more educated and aware of sexual assault – even in the face of increased prevalence rates. Therefore, CSA research is necessary in order to get to the root of this damaging societal issue.
One area of CSA research that needs further exploration is the effect of Title IX on campus sexual assault. Title IX is a law that aims to prohibit sex discrimination on college campuses as well as handle sexual misconduct allegations (Castellanos, 2022). With Title IX protocols in place in universities all across the United States, one would expect to see a decrease in CSA. The exact opposite has occurred. Recent sources show that 26.4% of females experience rape or sexual assault on campus (RAINN, 2023). This increasing number is due to a multitude of reasons such as a university’s failure to implement Title IX protocols, inconsistencies in the MR process, students’ and staff members’ lack of knowledge about MR and sexual violence, and improper accommodations and resources being offered for sexual assault survivors.
This study used a quantitative approach, including a survey that assessed the current climate of sexual misconduct at Bucknell. The online survey was administered to a random sample of Bucknell students. Results indicate that men and female non-victims indicated greater approval for MR and had more positive perceptions of institutional response to sexual misconduct.
Title IX, mandatory reporting, minimization, victim-survivor, sexual assault
Access Type
Honors Thesis
Degree Type
Bachelor of Arts
Minor, Emphasis, or Concentration
Legal Studies
First Advisor
Bill Flack
Second Advisor
Erica Delsandro
Recommended Citation
Quinn, Meghan E., "Campus Sexual Assault: Title IX Regulations, Mandatory Reporting, and Minimization" (2024). Honors Theses. 676.