"Exploring the Relationship Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and C" by Megan Kopitsky

Date of Thesis

Spring 2022


Previous research has found that women who live through adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) incur an increased risk of sexual victimization in adulthood. Prior research has also demonstrated that college women encounter a higher risk of sexual assault than that of women in the general population. Despite these alarming relationships, there is little research examining the association between ACEs and sexual victimization among college students. The present study explored the relationship between several types of ACEs (childhood sexual abuse, physical and psychological abuse, and household disorder) and campus sexual assault. Utilizing data from 466 college students, regression analyses found that various types of ACEs differentially predict sexual victimization while in college, with childhood sexual abuse presenting the most salient risk. Results underscore the need to consider the unique impacts of various ACEs on the revictimization of college students. Revictimization among college students is conceptualized by way of Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model and practice-based implications and future research directions are also offered.


Campus sexual assault, adverse childhood experiences, childhood maltreatment, revictimization

Access Type

Honors Thesis (Bucknell Access Only)

Degree Type

Bachelor of Arts



First Advisor

Bill Flack

Second Advisor

Erica Delsandro

Third Advisor

Janet VanLone
