Date of Thesis
The addition of a ZnS shell to CdSe and CdS quantum dot cores was explored using various methods. Spectrophotometry was used to assess the success of ZnS overcoating, which produces both an increase in overall fluorescence and decrease in particle size distribution. A new method was developed, involving preheating of the zinc and sulfide precursor solutions, resulting in CdSe(ZnS) particles with improved fluorescence and a more uniform shell coating from oleylamine-capped CdSe core particles.
Cadmium selenide, Cadmium sulfide, Quantum dots
Access Type
Honors Thesis (Bucknell Access Only)
Chemical Engineering
First Advisor
Brandon Vogel
Recommended Citation
Wood, Sarah, "Addition of Zinc Sulfide Shells to Semiconducting Nanoparticles and its Effect on the Nanoparticle Fluorescence Emission Properties" (2011). Honors Theses. 61.