Date of Thesis

Spring 2021


Styrenic polymer gels have received recent attention for their application in transdermal patches due to their unique properties. Previous research in the pharmaceutical industry has identified that polymeric gels, specifically styrenic gels, have the potential to encompass multiple functions of the transdermal delivery patch including controlling mechanical and delivery properties. To tailor styrenic gels either the gel nanostructure or the drug complex can be controlled. Specifically, this thesis investigated the effect of gel nanostructure in an attempt to control the gel diffusivity and mechanical properties. To control gel nanostructure a phase selective styrene homopolymer was used at varying concentrations. It was determined that the addition of styrene homopolymer has a direct effect on the polystyrene micelle size within the gel. Next, the effect of this nanostructure manipulation on gel diffusivity and mechanical performance was investigated. It was determined that increasing the polystyrene homopolymer concentration will not significantly alter the diffusivity or the gel mechanics of transdermal patches.


Drug delivery, polymeric gels, diffusion, gel mechanics, polystyrene homopolymer

Access Type

Honors Thesis

Degree Type

Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering


Chemical Engineering

First Advisor

Kenny Mineart
