Shear Bands in Metallic Glasses Are Not Necessarily Hot

Stephanie K. Slaughter
Felicitee Kertis
Erin Deda
Xiaojun Gu, Bucknell University
Wendelin Wright, Bucknell University
T. C. Hufnagel


We have used the fusible tin coating method to detect shear band heating in amorphous Zr57Ti5Cu20Ni8Al10 loaded under quasi-static uniaxial compression. High-rate load data allowed a precise determination of the duration of shearing events and final fracture. When loading was halted prior to fracture we saw no evidence of melted tin despite the presence of shear offsets up to 6 mu m on some shear bands. Samples loaded to fracture showed evidence of tin melting near the fracture surface. We attribute the difference to the duration of the events, which is much longer for shear banding (milliseconds) than for fracture (microseconds). (C) 2014 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.