
Submissions from 2012


Computational Study of the Hydration of Sulfuric Acid Dimers: Implications for Acid Dissociation and Aerosol Formation, Berhane Temelso, Thuong Ngoc Phan, and George C. Shields


Chemical Research with Undergraduate Collaborators: Building Cyclic Polymers, Eric Tillman

Synthesis of Macrocyclic Polymers Formed via Intramolecular Radical Trap-Assisted Atom Transfer Radical Coupling, Andrew F. Voter, Eric S. Tillman, Peter M. Findeis, and Scott C. Radzinski

Submissions from 2011

Preferential accumulation within tumors and in vivo imaging by functionalized luminescent dendrimer lanthanide complexes, M. A. Alcala, C. M. Shade, H. Uh, S. Y. Kwan, M. Bischof, Z. P. Thompson, K. A. Gogick, A. R. Meier, Timothy G. Strein, D. L. Bartlett, R. R. Modzelewski, Y. J. Lee, S. Petoud, and C. K. Brown

Hydrogen Abstraction Followed by Nitroxide Mediated Polymerization: Synthesis of 2,7-Dibromofluorene-Labeled Polystyrene, W. E. Butcher and Eric Tillman

Synthesis and Characterization of a Hydrogel with Controllable Electroosmosis: A Potential Brain Tissue Surrogate for Electrokinetic Transport, A. H. Faraji, J. J. Cui, Y. Guy, L. Li, C. A. Gavigan, Timothy Strein, and S. G. Weber

Probing the Effects of Pi-pi Stacking on the Controlled Radical Polymerization of Styrene and Fluorinated Styrene, P. D. Pickett, S. C. Radzinski, and Eric Tillman

Effect of Pi-pi Stacking on the Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization of Styrene, P. D. Pickett, Eric Tillman, and A. F. Voter

Probing the Steric Limits of Rhodium Catalyzed Hydrophosphinylation. E-H addition vs. Dimerization/Oligomerization/Polymerization, M. E. Richard, K. P. Reese, J. J. Stone, P. D. Pickett, Eric Tillman, and R. A. Stockland Jr.

Investigating the Effects of Conductivity of Zone Overlap with EMMA: Computer Simulation and Experiment, J. W. Stahl, A. D. Catherman, S. K. Ranasinghe, C. A. Seniveratne, and Timothy G. Strein

Benchmark Structures and Binding Energies of Small Water Clusters with Anharmonicity Corrections, Berhane Temelso, Kaye A. Archer, and George C. Shields

The Role of Anharmonicity in Hydrogen-Bonded Systems: The Case of Water Clusters, Berhane Temelso and George C. Shields

The Role of Anharmonicity in Hydrogen-Bonded Systems: The Case of Water Clusters, Berhane Temelso and George C. Shields

"Alternate Solutions for Two Particular Third Order Kinetic Rate Laws", Brian W. Williams

Submissions from 2010

Theoretical Calculations of Acid Dissociation Constants: A Review Article, Kristin S. Alongi and George C. Shields

Radical-radical Coupling of Polystyrene Chains Using AGET ATRP, K. D. Domingues and Eric Tillman

Effect of Temperature, Solvent, Lewis Acid, and Additives on the Polymerization of t-Butyl Vinyl Ether Using Lewis Acid-induced N-Methyleneamines as Cationic Initiators, J. G. Leasure, Eric Tillman, C. E. Brinkman, I. W. Monk, and N. A. Cohen

Atmospheric Implications for Formation of Clusters of Ammonium and 1−10 Water Molecules, Thomas E. Morrell and George C. Shields


Accurate Predictions of Water Cluster Formation, (H2O)n=2−10, Robert M. Shields, Berhane Temelso, Kaye A. Archer, Thomas E. Morrell, and George C. Shields

An Easy and Efficient Route to Macrocyclic Polymers Via Intramolecular Radical-Radical Coupling of Chain Ends, A. F. Voter and Eric Tillman

Submissions from 2009

Computational approaches for the design of peptides with anti-breast cancer properties, George C. Shields

Antiestrogenic and anticancer activities of peptides derived from the active site of alpha-fetoprotein, George C. Shields, Leroy C. Joseph, James A. Bennett, Karl N. Kirschner, John Hughes, Nicole Lostritto, Herbert I. Jacobson, and Thomas T. Andersen

Ramachandran-type Plots for Glycosidic Linkages: Examples from Molecular Dynamics Simulations using the Glycam06 Force Field, George C. Shields, Amanda M. Salisburg, Ashley L. Deline, Katrina W. Lexa, and Karl N. Kirschner

Submissions from 2008

Thermodynamics of the Hydroxyl Radical Addition to Isoprene, George C. Shields, Marco A. Allodi, and Karl N. Kirschner

Experimental and Theoretical Study of the OH Vibrational Spectra and Overtone Chemistry of Gas-Phase Vinylacetic Acid, George C. Shields, Meghan E. Dunn, Kaito Takahashi, Rex T. Skodje, and Veronica Vaida