Analyzing Greenhouse Gas Impacts of Fracture Water Transport

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In 2014, Professor Kevin Gilmore, student Rebekah Hupp, and DP&S GIS Specialist Janine Glathar collaborated on a study entitled “Transport of Hydraulic Fracturing Water and Wastes in the Susquehanna River Basin, PA.” Using GIS and Network Analyst, the team measured the transport distances of water and wastes, including greenhouse gas emissions, ultimately constructing a “water and waste balance” for the well. The study was published in the Journal of Environmental Engineering. (Gilmore, K.R., R.L. Hupp, and J. Glathar, 2014. Transport of Hydraulic Fracturing Water and Wastes in the Susquehanna River Basin, Pennsylvania, Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE. 140 [5]: B40123002-1-B4013002-10.)


Environmental Studies

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