French 103 and 236

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Students in French 103: Building Proficiency in French are learning to articulate their language and grammar skills by producing French film critiques. Students work with a partner to co-host the critique. They select a French film and through a series of scaffolded assignments begin to polish their 3-4 minute final product. Students learn what is a “good” film critique by watching and discussing the technical elements, style, structure, hook, and writing of these critiques with their class. Students then write a film critique treatment, script, create film logs, select clips from their films of choice using iShowU, rehearse their language and grammar skills in front of a recorded green screen, and peer review the results. They begin the editing process using FCPX to bring together the screen green footage, film score, and clips from their films to create a polished French film critique. This process creates a truly unique and creative way to articulate and reflect on the French language not to mention adding some really valuable technical skills that they will need as they advance into their professional futures. In keeping with the underlying theme of this course that focuses on oral tradition in African and Caribbean cultures, students in French 236: Francophone Topics Course: French West Indies, will be asked to create podcast productions referring to course content such as transatlantic slave trade, female experience of slavery, and Carnaval. To create the podcast students will form teams of 2 or 3, select a topic, research and discuss various types of podcast formats and structures, have open discussions about technical elements of podcasting, style, hook, and structure. They develop a treatment and script. They are involved in hands-on workshops learning to operate zoom recorder kits for interviewing, audio booth training to record their narrations, Audacity and Garage Band for splicing and arranging the podcast into completion. The result is a reflective, articulate, and creative account of their interaction with the course content. Professor Gosson will be incorporating her course design for French 103 Fall 2016 and French 236 Spring 2017.


French & Francophone Studies

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