A Companion to Late Medieval and Early Modern Augsburg
Publication Date
Spring 2-25-2020
A Companion to Late Medieval and Early Modern Augsburg introduces readers to major political, social and economic developments in Augsburg from c. 1400 to c. 1800 as well as to those themes of social and cultural history that have made research on this imperial city especially fruitful and stimulating. The volume comprises contributions by an international team of 23 scholars, providing a range of the most significant scholarly approaches to Augsburg’s past from a variety of perspectives, disciplines, and methodologies. Building on the impressive number of recent innovative studies on this large and prosperous early modern city, the contributions distill the extraordinary range and creativity of recent scholarship on Augsburg into a handbook format.-- publisher
Augsburg, Germany, Demography, Medicine, Political, Social, Economics, Politics, Finance, Commerce, Banking, Guilds, Gender, Late Medieval, Early Modern, Historiography, Religious Co-existance, Catholic, Catholics, Catholicism, Protestant, Protestants, Religion, Leisure Time, War, Crime, Law, Art, History, Architecture Activities, Sociability, Learned Culture, Secular, Knowledge, Late Medieval, Christian, Humanism, Reformation, Poverty, Enlightenment, Jewish History, Military history, European History, Media, Printing, Clothing, Music
Architectural History and Criticism | Arts and Humanities | European History | History of Christianity | History of Gender | History of Religion | History of Science, Technology, and Medicine | Medieval History | Military History | Other History | Other Music | Political History | Public History | Renaissance Studies | Social History
Leiden, Netherlands
Recommended Citation
Tlusty, B. Ann and Häberlein, Mark, "A Companion to Late Medieval and Early Modern Augsburg" (2020). Faculty Books. 93.
B. Ann Tlusty, editor
Mark Häberlein, editor
Sources and Historiography -- B. Ann Tlusty, Helmut Graser, Mark Häberlein, authors ; p. 3-19
Catholic-Protestant Coexistence -- B. Ann Tlusty, Marjorie E. Plummer, authors ; p. 247-270
Sociability and Leisure -- B. Ann Tlusty, author, p. 316-341
Learned Culture -- Wolfgang E.J. Weber, author ; translated by B. Ann Tlusty and Mark Häberlein ; p. 470-494