What We Teach When We Teach DH : Digital Humanities in the Classroom
Publication Date
Winter 12-5-2023
How has the field of digital humanities (DH) changed as it has moved from the corners of academic research into the classroom? And how has our DH praxis evolved through interactions with our students? This timely volume explores how DH is taught and what that reveals about the field of DH. While institutions are formally integrating DH into the curriculum and granting degrees, many instructors are still almost as new to DH as their students. As colleagues continue to ask what digital humanities is, we have the opportunity to answer them in terms of how we teach DH.
The contributors to What We Teach When We Teach DH represent a wide range of disciplines, including literary and cultural studies, history, art history, philosophy, and library science. Their essays are organized around four critical topics at the heart of DH pedagogy: teachers, students, classrooms, and collaborations. This book highlights how DH can transform learning across a vast array of curricular structures, institutions, and education levels, from high schools and small liberal arts colleges to research-intensive institutions and postgraduate professional development programs. -- back cover
Digital Humanities, Teach, DH, Teaching, Pedagogy, Classroom
Curriculum and Instruction | Digital Humanities
University of Minnesota Press
Minneapolis, MN
Comparative Humanities
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Recommended Citation
Croxall, Brian and Jakacki, Diane K., "What We Teach When We Teach DH : Digital Humanities in the Classroom" (2023). Faculty Books. 135.
Brian Croxall, editor ; Diane K. Jakacki, editor
What Is Digital Humanities and What’s It Doing in the Classroom? -- Brian Coxall, Diane K. Jakacki, authors ; p. 292-302