Emerging Horizons: 21st Century Approaches to the study of Midrash : Proceedings of the Midrash Section, Society of Biblical Literature, volume 9
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A text linguistic analysis of a yelammedenu unit in the Tanḥuma (printed edition, Naso 29-30) and in Pesiqta Rabbati 3 (On the eighth day). The rabbinic homiletic unit referred to as “yelammedenu” (“Let our rabbi teach us”) is a major characteristic of the so-called “Tanḥuma-Yelammedenu” literature. Several features of this literature are present in the midrashic work Pesiqta Rabbati, which is a unique rabbinic work based on an annual liturgical calendar in its presentation of homilies for festivals and special Sabbaths, whereas Midrash Tanḥuma follows a triennial[1] cycle of the weekly Torah readings. Both midrashic works lend themselves to “form-analytical,” text-linguistic and post-modern literary theories, because the texts contain recurrent elements of midrash, as well as comprehensive religious messages.
The chapters in Emerging Horizons: 21st Century Approaches to the Study of Midrash pertain to an intriguing midrash that appears in a Masoretic context, the Qur’anic narrative of the red cow, midrashic narratives that rabbinize enemies of Israel, the death of Moses, emotions in rabbinic literature, and yelammedenu units in midrashic works.
Midrash, Yelammedenu, Tanhuma, Pesiqta Rabbati, Masora, Emotions, Text-linguistics, Red Cow, Moses
Arts and Humanities | Biblical Studies | Islamic Studies | Jewish Studies | Medieval Studies | Religion
Gorgias Press LLC
Piscataway, New Jersey
Religious Studies
Recommended Citation
Ulmer, Rivka and Nelson, W David, "Emerging Horizons: 21st Century Approaches to the study of Midrash : Proceedings of the Midrash Section, Society of Biblical Literature, volume 9" (2021). Faculty Books. 101.
Rivka Ulmer, editor
Introduction -- W. David Nelson, Rivka Ulmer, p. xi-xiv
A Yelammedenu Unit in Pesiqta Rabbati and Midrash Tanḥuma: A Text Linguistic Analysis -- Rivka Ulmer, p. 109-145