Submissions from 2024
Where Did The Time Go? The Effects of China’s Two-Day Weekend Policy on Labor Supply, Household Work, and Wages, Tony Fang, Carl Lin, and Xueli Tang
Migrants from a Different Shore: Earnings and Economic Assimilation of Immigrants from China in the United States, Carl Lin, Tony Fang, and Mei Hsu
Son Preference and Human Capital Investment Among China’s Rural-Urban Migrant Households, Carl Lin, Yan Sun, and Chunbing Xing
Competition in the Labor Market: The Wage Effect of Employer Concentration in China, Jinan Liu, Hongbo Cai, and Carl Lin
Media Coverage of the Senate Filibuster and Its Effects on Public Opinion, Scott Meinke
Submissions from 2022
The Other Side of the Coin: Public Opinion toward Social Tax Expenditures, Christopher Ellis and Christopher Faricy
Whistling Through the COVID-19 Pandemic: Optimism Bias and Political Beliefs in the United States., Amy M. Wolaver and John A. Doces
Submissions from 2021
Are we all predictably irrational? An experimental analysis., John A. Doces and Amy M. Wolaver
The Impact of Minimum Wages on Wages, Wage Spillovers and Employment in China: Evidence from Longitudinal Individual-Level Data, Tony Fang, Morley Gunderson, and Carl Lin
The impact of COVID‐19 and political identification on framing bias in an infectious disease experiment: The frame reigns supreme., Amy M. Wolaver and John A. Doces
Submissions from 2020
Race, “Deservingness,” and social spending attitudes: The role of policy delivery mechanism., Christopher Ellis and Christopher Faricy
Minimum Wage Competition between Local Governments in China, Ravi Kanbur, Yanan Li, and Carl Lin
Submissions from 2019
Social Disadvantage and Children’s Nutritional Status in Rural-Urban Migrant Households, Carl Lin and Yana van der Meulen Rodgers
Parental Migration Decisions and Child Health Outcomes: Evidence from China, Health and Labor Markets, Carl Lin and Yana van de Muelen Rodgers
Submissions from 2018
Distributive Politics and Party Participation in the U.S. House, Scott Meinke
Submissions from 2017
Social class, meritocracy, and the political geography of the “American dream., Christopher Ellis