Northern Ireland Archive

Bill Rolston Mural Slideshow
Date of Film
Bill Rolston goes through the history of murals in Irish history. He breaks them up into Loyalist murals and Republican murals. He covers the history of murals in Ireland from 1908 to the present day.
UVF, UDA, Loyalists, Republicans, IRA, murals, sectarianism, racism, Belfast, Ulster, Ardoyne, Stephen Lawrence, Robert Hamill, Protestantism, Catholicism, Holy Cross, Woodville, Shankle Road, Battle of the Boyne, King Billy, King William III, Derry City Council, Home Rule, British army, origin of Ulster, Ulster-Scot, One Party Rule, Che Guevara, Cuchulainn, mythology, PLO, Palestine, ceasefire, memorial, East Belfast, West Belfast
Subject/ Interviewee
Bill Rolston
Topics covered
UFF, UDA, IRA, Loyalists, Republicans, Ireland, murals, muralists, International Womens' Day, the Troubles, East Belfast ,West Belfast, Ardoyne, Catholics, Protestants, Catholic school children, King William III, Michael Stone, World War I, Ulster, the Red Hand of Ulster, the British Saints, Hunger Strike, Hunger Strikers, Sinn Fein, ceasefire. He goes over all of the Loyalist and Republican murals since 1908 and how they have been influenced by the paramilitaries, by each other, by peace, and by other factors.

Video characteristics
Bill Rolston begins by giving his consent to be videotaped. Now there are two different tapes associated with this clip. The first is a MS of Bill Rolston as he gives his lecture. The lighting on him is good, but it is very poor on the powerpoint behind him which is not visible. The sound is good and is consistent throughout the video as well as the video quality. Overall, the tape was excellent. The second camera relating to this lecture focused on the powerpoint behind Bill Rolston. The sound was poor and the video quality was not the best. But the lighting was just right on the powerpoint presentation so all of his slides were clearly visible. Bill was placed in front of the presentation, so it was a MS of him from the chest up. So this tape was best to see the powerpoint slides while the first tape was best for everything else.