The Antigua Sugar Mills project grows out of the Bucknell in the Caribbean program. It seeks to create a spatial visualization of Antiguan and larger Caribbean society and history through the lens of ..
The Antigua Sugar Mills project grows out of the Bucknell in the Caribbean program. It seeks to create a spatial visualization of Antiguan and larger Caribbean society and history through the lens of the island’s sugar plantations, in particular the intrinsic link between Antiguan agricultural industry and its reliance on generations of enslaved Africans. Rosecky first became interested in the project while in Antigua for the Bucknell in the Caribbean program. Over Fall 2016 Gillespie, Rosecky, and Jakacki developed the project concept and gathered archival materials to be incorporated into an ArcGIS Online story map application in Spring 2017. It is anticipated that students in the 2017 Bucknell in the Caribbean program will continue to add information to the project.