Anthems I
Publication Date
Ryan M. Malone, (Assistant Professor of Music, Bucknell University), editor
Series: Musical treasures from Moravian archives ; v. 4
A collection of 23 German-language anthems for choir and instruments. With a preface, bibliography and critical report. Peter composed these works for the annual Moravian celebration of the Single Brothers' and Single Sisters' Covenant Day Festivals. This edition is based on a variety of manuscript sources. --https://www.tfront.com/p-507259-anthems-i-edited-by-ryan-m-malone.aspx
Volume 4 Contents, Johann Friedrich Peter: Anthems I Edited by Ryan M. Malone
Preface ; 1. Amen, der Herr tue also 2. Bleibet in mir und ich in euch 3. Das Land ist voll Erkenntnis des Herrn 4. Dem aber, der euch kann behüten 5. Der dich gemacht hat ist dein Mann 6. Die Gnade und Wahrheit des Herrn 7. Die mit Tränen säen 8. Die Tage deines Leides 9. Ein jeglicher sei gesinnet 10. Er erquicket meine Seele 11. Es ist ein köstlich Ding 12. Euer Leben ist verborgen 13. Freuet euch Gottes eures Heilandes 14. Gott der Herr ist meine Stärke 15. Gott ist mein Hort 16. Heiliget den Herrn Zebaoth 17. Ich danke Dir ewiglich 18. In allen Dingen lasset uns 19. Kommt lasset uns anbeten 20. Lobe den Herrn meine Seele 21. O Chor des Herrn 22. Sie werden trunken von den reichen Gütern 23. Von Gnade und Recht will ich singen Critical Report-- http://www.steglein.com/Editions/Series/MTMA/MTMA4/mtma4contents.php
Moravian, Church, German, Anthems, Choir, Instruments, Choruses, Orchestra
Composition | Music
Steglein Publishing
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Recommended Citation
Malone, Ryan M., "Anthems I" (2021). Faculty Books. 130.
Musical Treasures from Moravian Archives presents in critical editions music that was actively used in the Moravian communities of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Because much of the music used by the Moravians was home grown many of the volumes of MTMA will be of works composed by Moravian composers, i.e., those working directly in the Moravian communities themselves. A not insignificant portion of the music that survives in the various Moravian archives, however, originated from outside of those communities and was adopted by one or more of them for local use. Such pieces are also included in the series. -- http://www.steglein.com/Editions/Series/MTMA/mvolumes.php